Episode 07: Thank You for the Music

A wise philosopher (okay Madonna) once sang it best…music makes the people come together. Inspired by a recent social media questionnaire, Dara’s love of list making and a desire to create a series of superlative episodes, in this episode we spend some time reminiscing about our favorite live music performances of the past, the cringeworthy, the nostalgic, and what we can’t wait to see in the future. We talk about the Not Small Thing of remembering our parents and families through their music, connecting with friends, and seeing our musical heroes up close and personal. To saying nothing of the Not Small Thing that is a sense of joy…something we’re most definitely looking forward to experiencing more of. And dancing. We can’t wait to dance.

We’re joined by a special guest - Leslie Hermelin who has spent her career as a music publicist, and now works at the intersection of live music and advocacy. Leslie previously worked to register Texas voters with Beto O’Rourke (a Not Small Things podcast fave) at the Buffalo Tree Festival. She now works with the National and New York Independent Venue Associations on the Save Our Stages initiative which resulted in 1billion in federal Covid Relief funding for the arts in December 2020.

This episode was a lot of fun to record, and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we loved doing it. The full discussion clocked in at just under two hours! So below you’ll find our thoughts on questions that were cut for time, along with some links to things we each love and wanted to share with listeners.

Episode Encore Material

Leslie’s Picks

Best Jazz: Wynton Marsalis, Jazz at Lincoln Center. Leslie is also anxiously awaiting for the day KJ has mastered the trumpet and plays her own set with Wynton.

Best Atmosphere: Obvious downsides aside, Coachella, which Leslie says is like “going to church under the sky.” Best experienced while listening to a band you love like her pick, Portishead, or with the sound of Beth Gibbon’s voice on the breeze as the sun is setting, enjoying the mountains and palm trees.

Hope to See: Leslie fantasized about her own version of Lilith Fair, starring Carole King, Stevie Knicks, and Dolly Parton. We say girl, please make that happen!

For your viewing enjoyment:

Portishead: Wandering Star 

M83: We Own The Sky

I’m From Barcelona: We’re From Barcelona

Dara’s Picks

Best Jazz: While not traditional jazz, Dara loves Donnie McCaslin, who played with Bowie on Black Star. She and her husband caught him at The Sinclair in Cambridge and even chatted with him after. A big deal for such big Bowie fans!

Best Atmosphere: Dara’s love of smaller, intimate venues was clear with every answer, and her fave is City Winery - a place to see acts from two feet away while eating delicious food and drinking good wine.

Hope to See: Dara went classic Brit with her choice. We’re putting this out across the universe just for her…may she see Paul McCartney!

For your viewing enjoyment:

Willie Nelson: Whiskey River

Luna: 23 Minutes in Brussels

The Undertones: Teenage Kicks

KJ’s Picks

Best Jazz: Despite some pretty big festivals under her belt, KJ’s favorite was a random night at Jazz at Lincoln Center paying tribute to drummer Buddy Rich. An acoustically perfect room, and musicians, including Wynton Marsalis, having the time of their lives.

Best Atmosphere: Homesickness for Austin set in, as KJ picked Shady Grove where listening to live music is enjoyed with great food, summer breezes, and the beauty of live oak trees.

Hope to See: A longtime fave, Fleetwood Mac. But not any version of Fleetwood Mac. It’s essential that Stevie and Lindsey make up (yet again). Who doesn’t want to see these knowing looks between the two one final time?

For your viewing enjoyment:

Sara Bareilles: She Used to be Mine

Lyle Lovett and His Large Band: That’s Right You’re Not From Texas

Jeff Beck: A Day in the Life

And…we all want you to revisit the beauty that is Chris Isaac singing Wicked Game on MTV’s Unplugged, a song we all feel super, um, passionate about.


Episode 08: Voices Carry


Episode 06: Not All in Your Head